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What is MIGRAINE!!!

WHAT IS MIGRAINE ? Migraine is a common, harmless, peculiar disorder of the nervous system, which results from changes in the blood circulation in the brain. These changes in circulation produce all the symptoms (so the spots before the eyes are actually happening in the brain!) Migraine usually runs in families and seems to be more common in women. Migraine episodes are usually triggered by some kind of stress: usually from fatigue, or nervous tension, or food allergy. They most often occur in people who are intelligent, hardworking, and compulsive. Often migraine patients are a little too hard-driving, perfectionistic, and rigid; they may be pushing themselves too hard. (Sometimes the migraine episode is Nature's way of telling us to take life a little easier, to be a little less strict with ourselves.) Most of the great names In history, the world’s great "achievers", were migraine sufferers. HOW DOES IT HAPPEN?  While we do not have all the answers, it appears th

Resepi Semperit Dahlia

Cantik sangat dgn kombinasi warna biskut semperit nie..jom cuba dr group kuih muih..nak buat x tau masa..jadi share utk simpanan blog..hehehe.. SAMPRIT DAHLIA 120g butter (buttercup atau anchor) 50g gula ising 160g tepung jagung 50g tepung castard 1 sudu teh esen vanilla Bbrapa titis pewarna pink Cara2 1. Pukul butter dn gula hingga kembang. 2. Masukkn esen vanilla. Pukul sebati. 3. Ayak tepung jagung dn tepung bersama. 4. Masukkn tepung ke dlm adunan dn gaul sebati... guna tangan yee.. 5. Bahagikn doh kepada 2 bhgn. Bhgn pertama biarkn dgn warna asal. Bhgn kedua dititiskn dgn sedikit pewarna pink dn gaul rata. 6. Kedua2 warna diletakkn secara bersebelahan ke dlm acuan tekan samprit. 7. Tekan di ats loyang yg tlh digris. 8. Bakar suhu 160°c selama 20 mnt. *jangan biarkn doh terdedah pd udara kerana ia akn keras. Klau dh keras mmg susah nak tekan... Klau terkeras juga, tuang sesudu susu segar (susu kotak)... uli sebat